Goal Systems reaffirms its commitment to the principles of diversity in line with the European Commission, contributing directly to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and, therefore, to the principles of the UN Global Compact.
The Diversity Charter aims to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace through ten core principles:
- Generate a diverse workforce
- Promote an inclusive culture
- Ensure selection processes are free from bias of any kind
- Promote work-life balance policies
- Recognise the diversity of clients
- Communicate commitment internally
- Invite suppliers to join the European Charter
- Communicate this commitment externally
- Disseminate good practices and results obtained
- Raise awareness of D&I across the board
Furthermore, it aims to create a community of private and public organisations in Spain that share the same principles of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, thus creating a current of cooperation based on the values set out in the Charter.
Rosana Fernández Espeso, Human Resources Director of Goal Systems describes the initiative as “a step forward in the commitment to create a complete working environment that favours inclusion“. And she adds that Goal “wants to become a reference company in the implementation of policies that promote gender equality, the reduction of inequality, the promotion of women and the creation of inclusive work environments“.
Truly, the innate multiculturalism and diversity is reflected in the activity of Goal Systems, which is present in 25 countries in the 5 continents and currently has a staff of more than 300 people distributed among its offices in Madrid, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bogota, Mexico City and Santiago de Chile.