GOAL Systems will actively participate as an associate member of the “Madrid Green Urban Mobility Lab” programme, an initiative of the capital City Council that aims to position the city as an international benchmark for innovation and technology in the sustainable urban mobility sector.
Goal Systems, a global provider of state-of-the-art resource planning and optimisation software for the transport industry, will bring to this Lab with its experience in intelligent solutions and sustainable and technological development, to create a mobility system in Madrid that will be a global example of sustainability, citizen care, business entrepreneurship and innovation.
Another of the main objectives of “Madrid Green Urban Mobility Lab” is to exploit commercial and marketing synergies, and to apply for possible grants and funds from the European Union for projects related to urban mobility.
In this context, and to achieve the proposed objectives, four working groups have been created: Low Emission City, People Connected Mobility, Zero Emission Vehicle Industry and Urban Logistics, which will implement collaborative projects with common interests and objectives, consistent with the strategic lines of the European recovery funds.
The programme is developed in partnership with public and private entities, to exercise leadership in sustainable mobility in Spain with a driving effect on the industrial sector, and to attract investment to the city to increase competitiveness.
The association has been set up as a non-profit one with its own legal personality. Its statutes include the governing bodies: a General Assembly made up of all the associates and a Board of Directors, which will include companies such as EMT. Prestigious academic institutions such as IESE, IE and Comillas ICAI, as well as leading companies and sectoral associations, will also participate in its management bodies.
Thus, “Madrid Green Urban Mobility Lab” will bring together the main forces of a strategic sector: institutions and public administrations, large companies and SMEs, professional and sectoral associations, including Goal Systems.
With an eminently multi-sectoral character, sustainable mobility will have a strong economic impact in the coming years. It is the largest driver programme of the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan with more than 13,200 million euros and is one of the key action areas in the “European Green Deal”, which states that transport accounts for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions and aims to reduce them by 90% by 2050.