Goal Systems and Vectalia, a leading transport company with a long history in mobility and facility services, join forces to move towards a more intelligent and sustainable transport.
The objective of this new project is to jointly define and execute specific planning solutions in order to offer the best service to the citizen, all this thanks to the continuous work of Vectalia in the urban and interurban transport sector, which, using our recognized experience, allows us to satisfy the needs of its users.
In this way, Goal Systems will help to accelerate the technological growth of this great transport company, implementing an integral solution, so the project will include from the planning to the daily management of Vectalia’s resources, achieving:
- An optimised planning, key to profitability and savings.
- Fleets adjusted to the city.
- Better work conciliation for drivers.
- Sustainability and commitment to emissions reduction.
- A better travel experience.
- Real intermodality.
It should be noted that this agreement will be financed thanks to the Next Generation EU funds, a great example of Vectalia’s commitment to innovation, digital transformation and ecological transition.
In short, within the framework of this new alliance, many cities in Spain will benefit from the presence of Vectalia and the use of our tools.